Will my rates go up if I file a claim for vehicle damage under my collision coverage?

Will making any kind of claim after a car accident automatically cause your insurance rates to go up?

Answers (2) disclaimer

6009 Memorial Drive
Houston TX 77007
Truck Accident Attorney
(713) 222-3800

Arnold & Itkin LLP

Truck Accident Attorney
Your question is a valid one, as it is not at all uncommon for an insurance company to raise its rates after a client has been involved in an accident. However, your insurance rate will not automatically be raised simply because a claim was filed. If your insurance rate is raised it will be based on several different factors, including the type of car involved, as well as the age of the driver responsible and the location of the collision. Most influential in the potential increase of your insurance will be your previous driving record – not your decision to file a claim. More than anything else, it is your previous driving offenses that stand to influence your insurance rates the most, possibly even leading to cancellation if you incur too many over time. It is unlikely that the type of property damage claim you file will adversely affect your insurance rates, but if you are still unsure you can contact a car accident attorney in your area to find out more details about the specifics of your case.
6411 Ivy Ln #112
Greenbelt TX 20770
(301) 289-7737

Falodun & Associates

The experienced personal injury and auto accident lawyers Maryland at Law Offices of FALODUN & ASSOCIATES, LC. Call today for a free case review at 301-289-7737

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