Featured News 2016 Catastrophic Injury Accidents

Catastrophic Injury Accidents

Car accidents and their resultant injuries vary widely. For example, a rear-end accident at 35 mph may result in minor whiplash injuries and minimal property damage to the vehicle in the front, whereas a rear-end accident at 60 mph where the car in the front was stopped could result in catastrophic injuries for the driver in the front vehicle.

In the case of the high-speed rear-end collision, let's say the driver in the front sustained spinal cord injuries. The victim was a 30-year-old mother of three and now she was paralyzed from the waist down. The young mother will never walk again, and every aspect of her life will be turned upside-down.

The paralyzed mother can no longer drive her children to school, she can no longer carry her infant daughter upstairs, and her home has to be remodeled so she can use a wheelchair. This tragic rear-end accident caused the mother to sustain "catastrophic injuries."

Now, if the driver in the rear was going 15 mph, the victim probably only would have sustained whiplash, but if he was driving 100 mph, the victim could have been killed.

What is a catastrophic injury?

A catastrophic injury is typically characterized by the following:

  • Permanent disfigurement
  • Permanent scarring
  • It resulted in a long-term or permanent disability
  • Multiple surgeries were required
  • The victim had to be hospitalized for a long time
  • The victim endured a long recovery
  • Multiple bone fractures
  • It involved a traumatic brain injury or a spinal cord injury
  • The victim could not return to work for an extended period of time

Due to the nature and severity of catastrophic injuries, the damages (financial losses) are significantly higher than they are for a standard auto accident claim.

Since these claims are complex and require an expert understanding of current and future damages for the injured, it's important to be represented by an experienced car accident attorney, one who will look out for the injured party's best interests.

Yu can find a car accident lawyer near you in our directory!

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