Featured News 2013 Cautions When Driving 15-Passenger Vans

Cautions When Driving 15-Passenger Vans

People often rent 15-passenger vans in order to transport large groups of people from one place to another. In the past, there have been times that schools, organizations or groups will rent these large vans and pile members inside on a trip to a theme park or a special destination. Yet the National Highway Traffic Safety Association says that there can be many dangers with these vans and it is important that you are careful as you operate one of these vehicles.

Most of the time, people rent these vehicles even though they only have a driver's license. Because they are not licensed to drive large, difficult-to-maneuver vehicles, it can be hard for them to navigate turns or drive the car on a slick or slippery road. The NHTSA says that there are often fatal crashes that involve 15-passenger vans. Most of the time, these vans roll over and this causes the fatalities. In 2010, 10 people died in 15-passenger van rollover accidents, prompting the NHTSA to remind all drivers of the proper protocol when it comes to driving 15-passenger vans.

The NHTSA says that tire maintenance is essential to driving safe in a 15-passenger van. There are times that these cars are not outfitted with the proper sized tires, or there are times when they not properly inflated before a trip. If you own a 15-passenger van, you should make sure that the correct tires are on the car and that they are properly inflated before you put the keys in the ignition. It is also important to remember that tires degrade over time. You need to exercise responsibility and inspect the tires before driving off because in the event of a tire burst it could create a dangerous accident.

The NHTSA also recommends that driver steer clear of using a spare tire as a replacement in the event of a flat tire. These spares are often poorly made and may cause another tire burst if they are not able to bear the weight of the 15-passenger van. Tire manufacturers also suggest that any tires that are over 10 years old not be used at all. In addition to tire safety, it is important that all organizations that own 15-passenger vans only keep them in service as long as they are recommended for use. It is not wise to extend the life of a 15-passenger van because of transportation budget issues.

These large vans are typically used by churches, non-profit organizations, colleges, and schools that may need them to transport large amounts of people. If those organizations don't have the finances to replace an old van, then they should ask volunteers to drive their own vehicles to events, rather than continue using a dangerous one.

The NHTSA also says that pre-primary schools, secondary schools, and primary schools should not use these vans to transport school children as they don't provide the same level of safety as a bus does. It is actually against the law for schools to purchase 15-passenger vans for transportation purposes. This is enforced by the federal law, meaning that that the practice is illegal in all 50 states. If you are the owner of a 15-passenger van, it is essential that you make sure your vehicle is maintained. You should also make sure that the drivers are fully trained and experienced in operating a 15-passenger van and are properly licensed to do so.

15-passenger vans have a higher tendency too tip of they are improperly loaded. It is important that you never overload one of these vans, as it will increase the risk of a rollover and make the van much harder to maneuver. The NHTSA also requires that all passengers in these vans buckle up for every trip, and that drivers check the tires for proper inflation and signs of wear before driving off. Owners should also make sure to drive slowly and carefully in one of these vans in order to ensure maximum safety.

If you are injured in a 15-passenger van accident, then you may be able to seek compensation form the party responsible. For example if you are injured because the driver failed to check the tires, or if your child is harmed in a 15-passenger van accident at a school, where the vans are expressly illegal, then you need to seek compensation from the driver-at-fault. You may also be able to seek compensation from the organization that allowed the use of an old and out-of-date or dangerous vehicle. Talk to a local car accident attorney today if you want more information about 15-passenger van accidents all throughout the U.S.

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