Featured News 2013 Common Causes of Car Accidents

Common Causes of Car Accidents

As an extremely busy society, we rely on our cars to get us everywhere. No matter what we are doing it is safe to assume that you are getting there in a car of some sort. While there is a large group of people who rely on trains and bikes, the majority of people use cars in their daily commuting. With so many people on the road every day, accidents are bound to happen and in many cases it is a result of the negligent and careless acts of another driver on the road. Believe it or not the common causes of car accidents is extensive, resulting in far too many injured people and lost lives on a daily basis.

Distracted driving is becoming the number one cause of car accidents in our world today. As people are concerned with their cell phones making phone calls, texting, and playing music it only takes one second before there is a collision of vehicles. These accidents can be small crash or they can lead to fatal results. Distracted driving includes fidgeting with the GPS, eating, drinking your coffee, etc. The list is endless; the main goal for a driver is to keep both eyes on the road at all times. Speeding is another common cause of accidents, and speed is known to severely injure and kill. Amy time a person is going above the designated speed limit the possibility of an accident continues to increase. Even at the legal speeds cars are dangerous, the faster a driver goes the more they are putting themselves and everyone else at risk

Drunk driving is unfortunately a sad reality today, killing and injuring far too many people on a regular basis. These accidents are caused because a person under the influence is unable to make wise choices while driving, nor do their reaction responses work as they should. Reckless driving is another common cause of car accidents caused by irresponsible drivers. This would include people who chose to switch lanes and closely cut off people, who drive fast and slam on their brakes while close to other cars, who are frequently speeding and impatient in traffic. These drivers cause accidents all too often, and many times with fatal results.

Those who run red lights are just asking for a car accident. Drivers are often impatient and ready to cross through the intersection the moment their light turns green and when there is a driver who runs a red those two vehicles frequently have a painful collision as a result. When a driver runs a red light there is a greater possibility of a side impact on the car, a common cause of fatalities when going at high speeds. Those who are responsible for the accident could then be accused of a wrongful death as a result.

Believe it or not; teenage drivers are another common cause of car accidents today. It is often the younger drivers that are more risky on the road, driving at faster speeds, distracted by their loud friends in the car, driving late at night when tired or even driving drunk because they think they are invincible. Teenage car accidents are all too common today, many times because they lack the experience and the education on what it takes to be a safe and responsible adult driver.

Car design defects are also a frequent cause for car accidents. For example a recent mass recall was for cars having unintended acceleration, causing people to go at fast speeds and then unable to stop their car. Design defects such as this can lead to not only the driver and their passengers being injured or killed but also others on the road and pedestrians in the area.

If you have been injured by any of these causes, contact a car accident attorney today in your area!

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